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court”). For each of the Board’s 22 recommendations, this document explains the
               recommendation; describes the steps taken to implement it; and offers the Board’s
               assessment of how fully it has been adopted.

                       Overall, the Board continues to find the Administration and the Intelligence
               Community responsive to its recommendations.

                       While nine of the 22 recommendations are still in the process of being implemented
               or have been only partially implemented, the Board looks forward to continued
               consultation with the Administration and the Intelligence Community regarding their

                       Highlights of implementation of PCLOB’s Section 215 recommendations:

                     Consistent with PCLOB’s recommendation, the USA FREEDOM Act ended the NSA’s
                       bulk telephone records program conducted under Section 215. Enactment of this
                       legislation also addressed recommendations to enable the FISA court to hear
                       independent views on novel and significant matters and to expand opportunities for
                       appellate review of FISA court decisions.

                     As recommended by PCLOB, the USA FREEDOM Act also includes additional
                       requirements for public reporting to promote transparency. The public reporting
                       will include information regarding the appointment of individuals to provide
                       independent views before the FISA court as well as statistical information about
                       government surveillance. In addition, the Act permits further statistical reporting by
                       private companies regarding the frequency with which they receive government
                       demands for their data.

                     As recommended by PCLOB, the government has taken significant steps toward
                       developing principles and criteria for intelligence transparency for the Intelligence

                       Highlights of implementation of PCLOB’s Section 702 recommendations:

                     As part of the annual process of reauthorizing the Section 702 program, the
                       government submitted revised targeting and minimization procedures for approval
                       by the FISA court. These revised procedures, all of which were approved by the
                       court, include changes designed to address several recommendations in the Board’s

                     In seeking annual recertification of the Section 702 program, the government
                       submitted all the supplemental materials recommended by the PCLOB in
                       Recommendations 4 and 5, thereby facilitating the FISA court’s assessment of the
                       Section 702 program.

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